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Instructions for Operating a Motorised Mobility Device

In Queensland, it is mandatory to wear a helmet, unless exempted for medical or physical reasons. A helmet should have been provided along with this scooter.

Where can I ride – Generally, you can operate the device wherever pedestrians are permitted, including bike paths and roads with designated bike lanes or local streets without a dividing line or bike path; remember to keep to the left.
Who can ride an MMD;  An individual with mobility difficulties?

The scooter achieves a maximum speed of 10 kilometres per hour. You can lower this by turning the knob on your dashboard to align with current driving conditions.
Children under the age of 12 are prohibited from operating personal mobility devices.|
Please consider that individuals of all abilities utilize our paths, and not everyone can easily navigate around an obstructing device.
Operators of personal mobility devices found in violation of road rules will face comparable fines to motorists, without the accumulation of demerit points.

When using a personal mobility device, it is crucial to always:

    • Exercise due care and attention for the safety of others at all times
    • Use the footpath or nature strip always or, if unsuitable, travel as close as possible to the left or right side of the road. Users should also face oncoming traffic if it is possible to do so.
    • Cross a road by the shortest, safest route, not staying on the road longer than necessary and using a crossing or lights where available.
    • Travel at a speed no faster than 10km per hour.
    • Do not travel on the road alongside more than one other pedestrian or vehicle travelling on the road in the same direction, unless it is necessary to overtake other pedestrians.
    • Comply with road rules as they apply to pedestrians.
  • Please carefully review the Queensland Road Rules regarding the use of the MMD, and ensure you are capable of safely operating the MMD.
  • All our rental scooters are registered in Queensland as motorised mobility devices and are automatically covered by a compulsory third party to protect users from being held financially responsible if they injure another person while using their motorised mobility device, while also compensating the injured party.
    For the full QLD road rules for MMD, refer to QLD road rules for MMD